Friday, June 10, 2011

The Hearing Alphabet: Not Phonetic...

Today, I wanted to review my path towards becoming a phonetic thinker.

Around 2010, I wrote this poem called "The Hearing Alphabet," which is meant to be read and heard.

"The Hearing Alphabet"

A is or Apron

B is for Bee

C is for Sea, that's how it sounds to me.

D is for Delight

E is Enough

F is for Effort, when the going gets tough.

G is for Genii

H is Ach-ae, it's really is an old word, spelled a new way! H-A!

I is for Eye

J is for Jade

K is for the Kale I eat when I'm afraid

L is for Elephant

M is Impress

N is for Into, although the spelling is a mess!

O is for Open

P is Peanut

Q is for Cue, on stage that's what you do.

R is for Are

S is Essay

T is for (you could) Teach the alphabet this way...

U is for You

V is Vegan

W is for Double U, (I cheated once again)

X is for Extra

Y is for Wine

Z is for Zine, a magazine of mine.

"Spelling is only a tool to communicate like any other human tool, it can be improved by human engineering."

From Valerie Yule from: "The Book of Spells and Misspells."

"Everyone...has to admit that of all languages of culture, English has the most antiquated, inconsistant and illogical spelling..."

Richard Venezky from: "The Book of Spells and Misspells."

My "update" idea to my old poem, is really a hint to anyone who may like the idea of "human en-gin-nir-ring," and has not considered using symbols...or adding additional symbols to the American or British alphabet...

...But what about sounds like

Ahh, as in the word A-ria or A-pple...

or Ehh as in E-ducate or Education...

which we could improve

with help from

me and you.

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