Friday, June 10, 2011

A silly poem by Alldae? N Mi Ā-mēr-re-kān En-glēsh Fo-nē-te-kā

N Mi Ā-mēr-re-kān En-glēsh Fo-nē-te-kā

A Po-m
By alldae? = bi Āl-da?

Mi blo-g(ā) ēs nā-t(ā) gā-re-n(ā)
li-k(ā) a mās kā-lor-dā ren-g(ā)
or a frā-g(ā) c-ten-g(ā) ā-n(ā) a lā-g(ā)
lu-ken-g(ā) gā-re-n(ā)
(Whē-ch ēs nā-t(ā) E-Z).

I sa
“Mi blo-g(ā)”
Wē-th a sāon-d(ā)
li-k(ā) th-e lēt-tər
Tu a lu-nā-te-k(ā)
Hu ma c
De-d(ā) u no,
Mu-nā-shi-n(ā) ēs gu-d(ā)
Tu so-m(ā)

My American-English Fo-neh-te-kah phonetic guide is exactly like the sounds associated with the English Alphabet, with a few extra sounds. in Apron, Air
Ā..(open your mouth and say ahh) in Aria, August

E in Easy
Ē in E-ducation
ə in Purple or Girl (like the sound in purr)...

A Silly Poem by Alldae? en Mī American Fonetika

en Mī American Fonetika (A phonetic Variation which I find easier to read).

Po-m bī
Alldae? = bī Al-dæ?

Mī blo-g(a) es na-t(a) ga-re-n(a)
Lī-k(a) æ mas ka-lor-da rin-g(a)
Or æ fra-g(a) sit-tin-g(a) a-n(a) æ la-g(a)
Lu-kin-g(a) ga-ri-n(a)
(whe-ch es na-t(a) I-Z)

Ī sæ
“Mī blo-g(a)”
We-th æ saon-d(a)
Lī-k(a) th-i let-tər
Lī-k(a) th-i Mu-n(a)
Tu æ lu-na-ti-k(a)

Hu mæ c
Di-d(a) u no,
Mu-na-shī-n(a) es gu-d(a)
Tu so-m(a)

Phonetic Guide (slightly different from my American-English Fo-neh-te-kah guide).

æ in Apron, Around
A - (open your mouth and say Ahh) as in Aria, A

ī - in my, skies, time
i - in minute, gin, liquor

e - in Education, E
- (with your mouth make a purr sound) in purple, girl
u tuna, tu

I find this version easy to read...please post suggestions!

A silly poem by Alldae?

My blo-gah is not green

like a moss colored ring

or a frog sitting on a log

looking green

(which is not E-Z)

I say,

"my blo-gah"

with a sound

like the letter



like the Moon



to a luna-tik

Who may see


Did you know,

Moonshine is good

to so-m(ah)


For Phonetic readers, follow the links below to read "A Silly Poem" phonetically.

Mi Ā-mēr-re-kān En-glēsh Fo-nē-te-kā :

Mī American Fonetika

A “Fo” Kər-tes Lo * Blo-gah!

A “Fo” Kər-tes Lo * Blo-gah!

Fake Kurtis: Oh Oh Oh


B- Baz’n



This is my mostly phonetic tribute to Rap music, black English poetry, and America, a country that supports freedom of Expression!

The word "Fo" is slang for Fake. I know I have hear people talk about fake name brands like "Fo" Sachi, or, as I myself created, a "Fo" Pu-bear sketch-design...for more information, see Faux (as in Faux Fur).

From Urban ( ər-ban ) Dictionary:

Fo can mean the following

1. Slang for the number "four"

2. Slang for "for"

3. Slang for info, or information

1. Yo, gimme the fo discs

2. Fo Shizzle (For sure)

3. Gimme the fo on dat guy.

Kurtis Blow was/ is a famous Music Entertainer /Performer.

The Hearing Alphabet: Not Phonetic...

Today, I wanted to review my path towards becoming a phonetic thinker.

Around 2010, I wrote this poem called "The Hearing Alphabet," which is meant to be read and heard.

"The Hearing Alphabet"

A is or Apron

B is for Bee

C is for Sea, that's how it sounds to me.

D is for Delight

E is Enough

F is for Effort, when the going gets tough.

G is for Genii

H is Ach-ae, it's really is an old word, spelled a new way! H-A!

I is for Eye

J is for Jade

K is for the Kale I eat when I'm afraid

L is for Elephant

M is Impress

N is for Into, although the spelling is a mess!

O is for Open

P is Peanut

Q is for Cue, on stage that's what you do.

R is for Are

S is Essay

T is for (you could) Teach the alphabet this way...

U is for You

V is Vegan

W is for Double U, (I cheated once again)

X is for Extra

Y is for Wine

Z is for Zine, a magazine of mine.

"Spelling is only a tool to communicate like any other human tool, it can be improved by human engineering."

From Valerie Yule from: "The Book of Spells and Misspells."

"Everyone...has to admit that of all languages of culture, English has the most antiquated, inconsistant and illogical spelling..."

Richard Venezky from: "The Book of Spells and Misspells."

My "update" idea to my old poem, is really a hint to anyone who may like the idea of "human en-gin-nir-ring," and has not considered using symbols...or adding additional symbols to the American or British alphabet...

...But what about sounds like

Ahh, as in the word A-ria or A-pple...

or Ehh as in E-ducate or Education...

which we could improve

with help from

me and you.